Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If someone was suffering from syphilis less ...

Century suffered from syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease. Syphilis in the final stage, causing a condition known as General Paralysis of Insane (GPI). Although the initial sign of GPI is a depression, it slowly progresses in memory and intellectual disorders, grandiose delusions, in anxiety, and sudden changes in personality. GPI also leads to physical changes, slurred speech, trembling lips and tongue, students who do not respond to light, and inability to control muscles or difficulty with muscle coordination. Syphilis is caused by bacterium Treponema pale and consists of four stages. It is transmitted during sexual intercourse and from infected mother to child during pregnancy. Initial phase: first symptoms appear after 10-90 days, people had direct contact with lesions or pain, which is also called a chancre. Pain (s) can be seen on the external genitals and around the lips and mouth, but can be hidden inside the vagina and / or rectum. Ulcers resolve without treatment. Secondary stage: rash without itching appears at the bottom of the feet and hands in about 6-8 weeks after the pain (s) disappear. People often suffer from fatigue, fever, sore throat, weight loss, patchy hair loss, headaches and muscle pain at this stage of syphilis. Third stage: Also known as latent period, because the symptoms are hidden, this stage can begin 2 to 30 years after initial infection. Because this stage can last for many years, people are often not included in the fourth and final stage of syphilis and die, and from other causes of death. Bacteria are still present in the body during this phase and start attacking the main organs and tissues in the body. The strattera side effects fourth stage, or tertiary stage: bacteria begins to eat away the bone, vital organs of the body including the brain (causing GPI) and central nervous system and causes gradual blindness. Losses may be present inside and outside the body. This stage of syphilis, which caused people to be taken in crazy in the 19th century >>. << Diagnosis of syphilis is a simple and inexpensive blood test or by analysis of tissue from the wound. If someone was suffering from syphilis, less than a year, one injection of penicillin to cure him, however, syphilis, which was true for more than one year requires additional injections. Any damage to tissues, organs and bones is irreversible. All states in the U.S. to syphilis test before issuing a marriage certificate, but most states abolished this requirement. Perhaps due to the elimination of syphilis, it seems that increasing the number of cases of syphilis in the United States. In 2001 there were 32,284 reported cases, and in 2008 was 46,277 cases. .

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