Wednesday, February 22, 2012

They act as destroyers, agents fermentation ...

Bacteria exist as individual cells. Cells very small, about the size of >> << Animals (about 1-2m in diameter and 10 m in length). The bacteria usually occurs in three main forms: rod shape, spherical and spiral. Rather than through complex processes of replication, as bacterial cells divide by double division. This general description of bacterial function was available at: "Bacteria perform many important functions in the earth, they serve as destroyers, fermentation agents, and play an important role in our digestive system In addition, bacteria are involved in many nutrient cycles, such as. . nitrogen cycle, which restores the nitrates in the soil for plants. Unlike eukaryotic cells, which depend on oxygen for their metabolism, prokaryotic cells use a variety of metabolic functions. For example, some bacteria use sulfur instead of oxygen in their metabolism. "

3 different types of bacteria

Bacteria incredibly diverse and incredibly abundant. To give some of the people, the bacteria are usually divided into four types: cyanobacteria, spirochetes, gram-positive bacteria and proteobakteriya. is photosynthesis, like plants, which means that they use sunHs energy for cooking for themselves. Spirochete is a spiral shape, and. Some of them live in the presence of oxygen, other donHt. They may be parasitic, living symbiosis (where two of the organism living together), or free life. One of the spirochetes cause syphilis. Not all gram-positive, despite the same. They are grouped in relation to other similarities. This type includes a strain of streptococcus bacteria that cause inflammation of the throat. It also includes the bacteria that produce yogurt, growth and fermentation in milk (production of lactic acid). These bacteria also produce many of our antibiotics. Proteobakteriya is one of the major types of bacteria. Many of them. They are divided into several subgroups, such as intestinal bacteria hemoavtotrofy and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Intestinal bacteria live mainly in the intestinal tract, such as E. coli. Hemoavtotrofy order strattera oxidize chemicals in minerals for energy. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are important in many ecosystems R converts one type of unusable nitrogen into the atmosphere of ammonia, a form plants can use most easily. This material in bacteria is mainly taken from >>. <<

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