Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It slows the metabolism of the body and...

Does drinking alcohol stop antibiotics from working? You can say, in practice, that alcohol does not affect antibiotics is the body, but we can say that the results of alcohol consumption are the same as for antibiotics, as laziness, dizziness, vomiting, stomach problems, etc. becomes evil when you receive at the same time. Some known antibiotics such as Flagyl, Tindamax Bactria and should not be used with alcohols, because they have more serious reactions. Use of alcohol with these drugs can cause you lose movements, nausea, vomiting, headaches and a sinking heart. You should be aware that some mouth washes and alcohol in them so as to avoid them, and when you are on antibiotic use procedures. As we have said previously that alcohol has nothing to do with the work of antibiotics, but it only slows their reaction. So when you are on a particular treatment, try to drink less alcohol. Reactions that produce antibiotics, resulting combination is called Antabuse. Alcohol longer stays in the body because it affects the antibiotic works. It slows the metabolism of the body and that is the reason for antibiotic reaction slows down. In the long term alcohol use causes some enzymes in combination with antibiotics to harmful substances to the body. We can say that this is the cause of alcohol addiction patients recover later from ordinary diseases. Alcohol also increases the sedative effect of some antibiotics. As we all know that antibiotics have side effects that are harmful to the body system. Alcohol variance of side effects as well. So when you're addicted alcoholic man, you must keep your emotions to alcohol, if you are on antibiotics. Otherwise, the reaction as alcohol and antibiotics will lead you to intolerable results. You may experience fainting or low blood pressure resulting from their combination. So try to avoid using them together, as this combination can be very harmful to your body. You should take your doctor if you get any response buy strattera online on behalf of antibiotics and alcohol at the same time. Some antibiotics drugs have a high intensity of drowsiness. Alcohol causes you to dizziness. So if you somehow get a bad reaction to the combination, you can either bring your way to death. Also note that drinking and antibiotics are not compatible in any way and can lead to death. Learn more about the

and how alcoholism develops. Categories:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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