Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sometimes antibiotics may be needed if ...

Sinusitis or sinusitis, occurs when the sinuses and nasal passages become inflamed. If you or your child is diagnosed with sinusitis, infections do not need to treat with antibiotics if you or your child has acute bacterial sinusitis caused by bacteria. Acute bacterial sinusitis can last up to 4 weeks and subacute bacterial sinusitis can last from 4 to 12 weeks is less than 4 times per year. Acute viral sinusitis caused by a virus usually lasts for less than 4 weeks and is less than 3 times per year. Acute viral sinusitis usually occurs after upper respiratory tract infection. Chronic sinusitis usually lasts more than 4 weeks and is more than 4 times per year. If you are diagnosed with chronic sinusitis, you should visit a specialist assessment. Chronic sinusitis can be caused by polyps or tumors, allergies or respiratory tract infections (viral, bacterial or fungal), among other reasons. Temperatures above 100. 4 F

Your doctor can determine if you or your child has sinusitis, and if treatment is needed. If your child under the age of three months has a fever, it is important to always call a doctor immediately. Sometimes antibiotics may be needed if sinus infections can be caused by bacteria. Asking about symptoms and make the examination, the doctor can determine if you or your child needs antibiotics. When sinusitis is caused by a virus or irritation in the air (eg cigarette smoke), antibiotics will not help him better. Acute sinusitis is almost always better for themselves. Better to wait and take antibiotics only when they are needed. Taking antibiotics when not needed can be harmful. Every time you or your child takes antibiotics, the bacteria that normally live in the body (in the skin, intestine, at the mouth and nose, etc.) often become resistant to antibiotics. Common antibiotics do not strattera dosage kill infections caused by resistant germs of these .. If symptoms last more than 10 days, schedule further meetings with the doctor for re-evaluation to avoid. Recreation, more drugs and other self-help techniques can help you or your child feel better. For more information on relief of symptoms, visit the

friendly bacteria

to this site or contact your doctor or pharmacist. Remember, always use more prescription as directed. Many more prescription is not recommended for children under a certain age. .

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