Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Immediately seek medical help (call 911) if ...

What are the symptoms of pneumonia? Symptoms of pneumonia caused by pneumonia due to infection or irritation. In response, the lungs produce an excessive amount of thick mucus, which should be coughing to keep the airways open for effective breathing. The type and severity of symptoms of pneumonia depend on a number of factors such as age persons overall health and medical history. In general, healthy adults, symptoms of pneumonia may be relatively moderate. Symptoms are often more severe in persons with chronic diseases such as

or stagnant, or very young or very old. Loose, wet cough that produces thick white, yellow, green or brown phlegm

or in some cases, pneumonia can be life threatening. Immediately seek medical help (call 911) if you or someone you are with them facing any of these life-threatening symptoms:

High fast, shortness of breath

2 types of bacteria

wheezing strattera dosage, whistling sound when breathing done

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