Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The immune system in elderly people may...

Omaha, Nebraska (PRWEB) February 14, 2012, board certified therapist, makes an appeal to family members of elderly patients to learn about the

, to help save more lives. "You can lose a window of opportunity to save the life of your grandmother, if you expect the doctor to diagnose her pneumonia," says Dr. Nebraska. Each year over 50,000 people die from pneumonia in the United States, according to recent CDC. works as a Hospitalist at Columbus Community Hospital in Nebraska, and allow more patients with pneumonia in intensive care a week. "Sometimes it is very sad, in elderly patients with pneumonia died in the hospital simply because they were brought here too late. It's terrible to hear their children feel guilty in death. They just think it's their fault because they do not pay attention to early symptoms and do not bring them to the hospital in time to save his life. " The doctor adds, "But it's not their fault. We simply have no campaign to inform the public health there to tell them what to look for. We are doing a great job, tell people about the early symptoms of stroke and who helped many people. We need to educate people about the early symptoms of pneumonia in elderly patients, as we do to blow. "

Doctor recognizes that there will be an easy task. Early symptoms of pneumonia in the elderly is very thin and may be missed even medical professionals. "Unlike health professionals, children, grandchildren and caring for elderly people very close to the person and know them very well. This is where the window of opportunity lies. You'll notice even small changes in the behavior of your grandmother that her doctor can not notice. In a close family member you are in a unique position to be able to help his old parents and great parents. But you should know what to look for to be able to understand what you see. "

The doctor makes a sincere appeal to the public: "If you have an elderly person in your family, please read carefully. Most elderly patients with pneumonia do not have general or specific symptoms of pneumonia, that you read the medical sites and books. The actual symptoms vary from person to person and depends on the unique personal circumstances. It would be easier to give you a list of symptoms to look for, but it will not help you very much. Instead, I will give you a simple explanation as pneumonia symptoms appear, so you can understand any symptom you notice "

doctor explains BЂњThe symptoms of pneumonia can be studied at two different levels. level of authority and levels of the body. At the level of authority, pneumonia is a lung disease. When young people have the disease in the lungs, coughing and complaining of shortness of breath. Mature not be able to respond that much, but you'll notice some subtle differences in how they breathe. They may breathe more quickly or may be smaller breaths or even be grunting noise with each breath. Instead of searching the exact symptoms, but pay attention if breathing has changed. At the level of the body, pneumonia is a type of infection. In young patients, the body responds to the majority of infections with fever and chills. The immune system in elderly people may not be strong enough to mount a fever. But if you look closely, you will find that their body is under stress, trying to rise the temperature, as a response. They may just feel cold or tired or sleepy, or even confused. If you remember these simple principles, you can save lives. BЂ "

doctor would like to take this opportunity to ask you to share purchase strattera this message with people who have elderly family members. BЂњWe can work together to save more lives. BЂ. "

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